Thursday, April 03, 2008


These days, procrastination is my middle name. There are so many things to be done, but instead of just getting down to business, I opt to just check into Ravelry "for a minute". I get so sucked in, I completely forget what I sat down to do! Kind of like when I go upstairs to get a pair of socks and end up coming back downstairs with a hairbrush.

My Sea Socks co-conspirator (well, co-instructor, actually), the fabulous Heather (aka the Craftlit goddess), and I have been working furiously on our instructional materials. They are due tomorrow, and I'm just now getting around to knitting the models I'm using for photography. Fortunately they're pretty small, but nothing like putting it off to the very last minute! I'm supposed to be editing Heather's stuff but I'm struggling to get my own written. How is it April already?

I've also got a bunch of new patterns that need working up in preparation for TNNA. I've got knitters waiting with bated breath for me to get their patterns graded. However, I need to be in just the right mood to do grading and it has been awhile since I was in the appropriately meditative, focused state. I'll get to it tomorrow, I swear!

It doesn't help that I've been distracted by the whole schooling dilemma. Bill very helpfully pointed out the other day, as we were driving home from our neighborhood elementary school tour, that it's great to have all these choices but it makes things so much more difficult. When we were kids (both in very small towns), there weren't any other options besides the town's elementary school. There weren't private schools, or magnet schools, or charter schools. Nobody homeschooled. When you turned five, you got on the big yellow bus and went off to school with every other kid in town (and the surrounding farmlands).

In fact, there was only one preschool in the town where I grew up, so there wasn't any choice-related drama there either. We've pretty much decided that Sydney will be just fine at the local school but now we've got to figure out what to do with Owen. Do we want to enroll him in Sydney's current school and subject ourselves to two more years of that horrendous drive? Do we put him in another Montessori school that's closer but only has full-day school? Do we try to find some other kind of non-Montessori preschool? Oh, the humanity! I'm not sure what I'm going to stew about once we get Owen squared away, but I'm sure I'll think of something...

Thanks for all your comments on my first design idea - I'll try to post them on Tuesdays so look for the next one coming up on the 8th. Actually, I might have to put it up a day early since the 8th is our 8th wedding anniversary.'s our 8th anniversary on the 8th of April in the year 2008. The only thing that would've beat that one is if we'd been married in August!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Been completely stalled on a (rather complicated) (okay, pretty darn complicated, for me) design for A Certain Yarn Company... had the sample knit, one set of instructions done, but couldn't get into the brain space for grading.

Just bushwhacked my way through it today- heaven only knows what wonders J.C. will have to perform when I send it to her next week...

Good luck with the preschool thing. I hear ya. It's just a mercy that there's only one doggie-day-care here in our little town! (For the hound equivalent of children...)

6:05 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

Taking off my sample knitter hat and putting on my pre-school teacher/mom of a pre-schooler long as the teachers are supportive and the kids seem happy, pre-school just isn't that important in the scheme of life.
Coming down the home stretch on the stripey thing I'm knitting should have it finished by the end of the weekend and off to you next week.

7:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, Procrastination is my FIRST name! I am so far behind on my TNNA preparations it's not funny. I have mini panic attacks a couple times a week. Of course every design I'm working on for the show has a problem that knocks me off track temporarily and sometimes makes me want to get in bed and pull the covers over my head... Please tell me that it will all come together in the end!

9:50 AM  
Blogger msubulldog said...

Yes, but April does give you that nice long-a-sound alliteration. *grin*

4:28 PM  

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