Sunday, September 04, 2005

Back to life...

But just a few more hurricane comments. I am floored by the outpouring of generosity that I've seen the past few days. Knitters are awesome! As of this moment, there has been $40,745.75 donated by knitters that have registered on Susan and Margene's Give A Little blog. I'm sure that there are so many other knitters out there who are doing everything they can to help. Just when I think society is going to hell in a handbasket, people surprise and amaze me with their goodness. It gives me hope that bringing children into this world wasn't a horrible error in judgement, and that humans will figure out how to keep from destroying each other for a few more generations at least...

On that happy note, back to my little life...(anyone else seen Home For the Holidays 500 times like I have?) Yesterday was a day of very little knitting, although I did manage to finish the first sleeve of Sydney's cardigan and get halfway through the second. I stayed up until 11:30, when I ran out of yarn, and was up again this morning at 5, unable to sleep for whatever reason. That should feel good today...

Bill and I helped paint Chris & Katie's house for a few hours while Katie took a break (from painting, anyway) and entertained the kids. They are changing it from a cheesy light-blue color to a beautiful greenish taupe with dark trim. Their house is a one-story ranch, so you'd think it wouldn't be too tough to paint, right? Well, the siding is cedar and is made up of vertical planks with little channels in-between. The planks can be painted with a roller, but the channels need to be painted with a brush. Also, the wood is pretty rough, so there are a lot of little spots where you need to cram the bristles in and wiggle them around to get enough paint in there to cover up the blue. As our reward for helping, Sue watched the kids while the rest of us went to see The 40-Year-Old Virgin. Karen was right - this was a very funny movie! Although it is definitely not for the easily embarrassed (Mom, take a pass on this one!). It is such a luxury to have babysitters living so close! We've gone to two movies in the past month. We probably went to two movies in two years when we were living in California...

Today my only goal is to get Owen started on rice cereal. I've been putting it off and putting it off because I didn't want to get out the pump and deal with all of that hassle just to get a little bit of milk to mix with cereal. So I'm going to suck it up, get off my high horse and buy a can of formula. I'll go to New Seasons and get some fancy schmancy organic stuff to make myself feel a little better, but I know that a little formula won't kill him. I might even leave him with Daddy or Grammy one of these days and have them give him (gasp) a bottle of the stuff! He might have something to say about that, but I just can't get into pumping when I don't have to do it every day. Plus he seems to think all substances from a bottle are equally evil, so I'd rather have him turn up his nose at some formula than at my hard-won breast milk! Apologies to those who are grossed out by this discussion of bodily fluids, but hey, at least I'm sparing you the dirty diaper report!


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