I did it!
I got an e-mail today from the Master Knitting committee chair, telling me that my resubmits passed and I have officially conquered Level I! I immediately ordered Level II (and we'll see how long it sits before I get it started...). I can't decide if I'm dreading or looking forward to knitting the required argyle sock. For Level III, you have to design an aran sweater - I'm definitely looking forward to that!
Sydney's week of spring break is almost over. It hasn't been too bad, other than the fact that she refuses to let me sleep in at all. An Owen has gotten into the habit of napping in the car when we go pick her up (we'll often leave early - as soon as he starts to get crabby - and just sit in the school parking lot while I knit and listen to a book on CD). This week his nap schedule is totally off. Yesterday we went on a morning playdate and didn't get home until 12:30. So Owen took his "morning" nap from about 12:15 to 1:30. He didn't go down for his afternoon nap until after 5. That makes it really fun to get him to sleep at night... He has been more horrible than usual at night, anyway, because he has a little cold and has wanted to nurse constantly. I haven't had more than four contiguous hours of sleep in almost a year. Isn't that supposed to make you insane?
Owen learned how to clap yesterday. It was so cute. He started in the morning when his random arm waving suddenly caused his hands to connect, and he figured out that he could make noise that way. Last night, when we were watching the American Idol results show, he would start clapping (and grinning like crazy) every time he heard the audience applaud. It's so fun watching him grow up! I love this age. Sydney, on the other hand, has entered the age of incessant questions. I try REALLY hard not to get irritated, but it's so annoying when she asks the same question (and gets the same answer) twenty times in a row. Right now she's sitting on my lap, grabbing anything she can reach off of the desk, and asking "What's this, mommy? What's this? Does it go here? Is it for this?" I always said that I wasn't going to be irritated by the "why" stage - that I loved that inborn curiosity and wanted to nurture it as much as I could. While I still feel that way about the curiosity, I do wish that she would accept my first answer more often. And not insist on repeatedly asking me things I either can't answer because I don't know, or can't answer because I don't know how to put it in 3-year-old terms.
Now Sydney, who is sitting playing with some stuff on the desk between my hands, is telling me "Hey, don't bother me. You shouldn't bother me. You can't just do that again, okay?" Well, at least I know she's listening to SOMETHING I say...
Next I have a shameless plug for the hand-dyed yarn that one of our knit-alongers, Erin, has just started selling. She'd sent me a hank of it at the beginning of March and asked me to test-knit it for her. I was supposed to finish a pair of socks by March 31. Well...I didn't get a pair done, but I did get a whole sock done! And here it is:
Here is a close-up of the foot:
Isn't it purty? The pattern is my own, and I'm not sure what's going to happen with it yet (Blue Moon has it right now, but I still haven't heard a peep from them). If you like it, I'll let you know once it has a home. Anyway, the yarn knits up great, feels great and doesn't pool. So any of you sock knitters who hate pooling, get over there and order some C*EYE*BER Fyber from Mama-E!
No sock updates today...I'm going to save them all for the big end-of-month update on Saturday. So check the sidebar, and get any last-minute March socks to me by tomorrow night!!!
Sydney's week of spring break is almost over. It hasn't been too bad, other than the fact that she refuses to let me sleep in at all. An Owen has gotten into the habit of napping in the car when we go pick her up (we'll often leave early - as soon as he starts to get crabby - and just sit in the school parking lot while I knit and listen to a book on CD). This week his nap schedule is totally off. Yesterday we went on a morning playdate and didn't get home until 12:30. So Owen took his "morning" nap from about 12:15 to 1:30. He didn't go down for his afternoon nap until after 5. That makes it really fun to get him to sleep at night... He has been more horrible than usual at night, anyway, because he has a little cold and has wanted to nurse constantly. I haven't had more than four contiguous hours of sleep in almost a year. Isn't that supposed to make you insane?
Owen learned how to clap yesterday. It was so cute. He started in the morning when his random arm waving suddenly caused his hands to connect, and he figured out that he could make noise that way. Last night, when we were watching the American Idol results show, he would start clapping (and grinning like crazy) every time he heard the audience applaud. It's so fun watching him grow up! I love this age. Sydney, on the other hand, has entered the age of incessant questions. I try REALLY hard not to get irritated, but it's so annoying when she asks the same question (and gets the same answer) twenty times in a row. Right now she's sitting on my lap, grabbing anything she can reach off of the desk, and asking "What's this, mommy? What's this? Does it go here? Is it for this?" I always said that I wasn't going to be irritated by the "why" stage - that I loved that inborn curiosity and wanted to nurture it as much as I could. While I still feel that way about the curiosity, I do wish that she would accept my first answer more often. And not insist on repeatedly asking me things I either can't answer because I don't know, or can't answer because I don't know how to put it in 3-year-old terms.
Now Sydney, who is sitting playing with some stuff on the desk between my hands, is telling me "Hey, don't bother me. You shouldn't bother me. You can't just do that again, okay?" Well, at least I know she's listening to SOMETHING I say...
Next I have a shameless plug for the hand-dyed yarn that one of our knit-alongers, Erin, has just started selling. She'd sent me a hank of it at the beginning of March and asked me to test-knit it for her. I was supposed to finish a pair of socks by March 31. Well...I didn't get a pair done, but I did get a whole sock done! And here it is:
Here is a close-up of the foot:
Isn't it purty? The pattern is my own, and I'm not sure what's going to happen with it yet (Blue Moon has it right now, but I still haven't heard a peep from them). If you like it, I'll let you know once it has a home. Anyway, the yarn knits up great, feels great and doesn't pool. So any of you sock knitters who hate pooling, get over there and order some C*EYE*BER Fyber from Mama-E!
No sock updates today...I'm going to save them all for the big end-of-month update on Saturday. So check the sidebar, and get any last-minute March socks to me by tomorrow night!!!
Yay for Mama-E!!! I love her colorways.
I just ordered some yarn from Mama-E myself. Her colorways are so pretty, who can resist?
Congratulations on your Level I!!! Very exciting. :)
We have the same issue with Aaron asking the same question over & over with barely a pause between to breathe! I have been coaching him on "You only have to say it once" and "If Mommy says okay or answers you in some other way, it means I heard you." *grin*
That is such pretty yarn! And me on a yarn diet. Dang.
Congratulations on Level 1! Level 2 is more work, and the sock is a right pain - but it was still fun to do. I'm stagnating on Level 3 at the moment. One day I will get back into gear, but too many other things happening at the moment. Love the sock yarn. Very pretty colours. Must remember that I am on a yarn diet.
Logan's at the non-stop questions stage as well. I was just telling/complaining to one of my co-workers yesterday. I know that's how they learn, but a person can only take so much! Logan's big thing is he'll as a question, I'll answer it, then he'll say, "Oh." A few seconds pause - "Why?" Over, and over, and over again....
Congrats on passing Level 1!
Love the sock colors too!
Congrats on passing level I!!!
Amanda :)
congrats on conquering level I!! As for my sock update, life got way too much in the way this month, and I only have one sock of the pair to show for it :-( Next month I'll be better... (no really, don't snicker!!)
Congratulations on passing Level I. And I just ordered some yarn from Erin - can't wait till it comes!
If you didn't get my email (we were having some server problems), here is my update. I finished a pair of socks for March - Opal Ladybug.
Ooh! Non pooling hand-dyed yarn? Sock knitters dream...
Too funny about owen's clapping discovery. Makes me want to have kids.
Also funny about Sydney's Why stage. Reminds me of myself. Makes me want to not have kids...
Congrats on moving up to the next Master Knitter level!
Lucky you to be test knitting with that beautiful yarn! Nice sock pattern, too.
Congratulations on passing Level I. And Erin's yarn is beautiful, but since I'm in the Sock Yarn Addict knitalong, I can't buy for a while - but I bookmarked it!
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