Thanks you guys!
Your support for my friend's mistreatment is really appreciated. I love you guys! It's so nice to hear that us breastfeeding mommies have so much support out there, especially from those of you who aren't nursing moms yourselves. I posted to a fabulous Portland-based parenting blog, Urban Mamas, and it sounds like there's lots of support for a nurse-in. If you're in the area and up for joining us, keep an eye out on Urban Mamas (I will, of course, announce it here as well).
Guess who I just had a lovely phone conversation with? Tina Newton, of Blue Moon Fiber Arts! She finally got a chance to look over my designs and she loved all of them. I get to go visit them on Monday and meet with her to talk about the details. How exciting is that? I cannot WAIT to see where Socks That Rock is born. They are literally out in the middle of nowhere - the directions she gave me (after getting off the secondary roads) were, look for the house that's under construction and take a left. Then, look for the row of mailboxes. Take the next gravel road to your right. And whatever you do, don't take THIS road because you'll enter the Twilight Zone...
Still haven't heard from Knitty, so I'm hoping this means I'm in the queue. I sent off my Big Girl Knits 2 submissions this morning, so we'll see what happens there. I just need to get over the fact that Amy doesn't like most of my designs, because plenty of other people do! And I kind of have to agree with the consensus that the current Knitty isn't that great. But, like someone said, if you've got your own on-line magazine, you can pick whatever designs you want!
Yesterday, I packed the kids in the car, picked up my mother-in-law and headed down to Woodburn to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival. Since I've been a total Project Spectrum loser, I'm going to post some excellent PS pictures that I took yesterday. Check out these oranges and yellows!

And, as with any outing that involves the children, we got our obligatory cute kid pics.

Doesn't everyone need a giant shoe that they can put their child in?
And here was the highlight of our day:

The cow train! Sydney talked about it for the rest of the day. It was actually pretty fun - the whole contraption was pulled by a guy on a 4-wheeler. We cruised way out into the back of the fields and drove through a bunch of mud puddles.
Now it's time for me to get back to knitting, swatching and pattern writing. It's never ending!
Guess who I just had a lovely phone conversation with? Tina Newton, of Blue Moon Fiber Arts! She finally got a chance to look over my designs and she loved all of them. I get to go visit them on Monday and meet with her to talk about the details. How exciting is that? I cannot WAIT to see where Socks That Rock is born. They are literally out in the middle of nowhere - the directions she gave me (after getting off the secondary roads) were, look for the house that's under construction and take a left. Then, look for the row of mailboxes. Take the next gravel road to your right. And whatever you do, don't take THIS road because you'll enter the Twilight Zone...
Still haven't heard from Knitty, so I'm hoping this means I'm in the queue. I sent off my Big Girl Knits 2 submissions this morning, so we'll see what happens there. I just need to get over the fact that Amy doesn't like most of my designs, because plenty of other people do! And I kind of have to agree with the consensus that the current Knitty isn't that great. But, like someone said, if you've got your own on-line magazine, you can pick whatever designs you want!
Yesterday, I packed the kids in the car, picked up my mother-in-law and headed down to Woodburn to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival. Since I've been a total Project Spectrum loser, I'm going to post some excellent PS pictures that I took yesterday. Check out these oranges and yellows!

And, as with any outing that involves the children, we got our obligatory cute kid pics.

Doesn't everyone need a giant shoe that they can put their child in?
And here was the highlight of our day:

The cow train! Sydney talked about it for the rest of the day. It was actually pretty fun - the whole contraption was pulled by a guy on a 4-wheeler. We cruised way out into the back of the fields and drove through a bunch of mud puddles.
Now it's time for me to get back to knitting, swatching and pattern writing. It's never ending!
Mmmm! Yummy tulips! Looks like you all had a great time! And congrats on the Blue Moon Fiber Arts! Yay, you! Have a great weekend, and take care!
What lovely flowers!
The current Knitty is just ok, I agree. Jenifer's design is up which is fantastic, though! I'm expecting a denial on my design but I'm rooting for you!
Congrats on the acceptance to Blue Moon! Can't wait to see those designs! And my fingers are crossed for you with Knitty - I agree, the current issue is "eh." Gorgeous flower pictures! (and the kids are cute too!)
Great project spectrum pics! Does that mean that you're going to have tons of Socks that Rock yarn to make all of your designs? I'm jealous!
back to the knitting swatching and pattern writing... sounds a lot better than my job.
Beautiful flower pics! That one is so cute of Owen in the giant shoe!! And the cow train!!! That is so cool!!
I love that flame-y tulip at the top! And seeing that cow train really makes me want to go to Woodburn this weekend. Alas, I am garage sale-ing with a friend (We're not even the shoppers, we're the sellers. Ugh.). Looks like you had a fab time. :)
Wow! On seeing BMF! Congrats on your patterns for them! Love the tulip pics and of the kids! Too cute!!!
*LOL* You just gotta love the cow train! Awwwww. Happy belated birthday Owen!!!
In sock news...I finally finished my pair for April! PHEW!
Congrats on BMFA!! And beautiful looks like you had a wonderful day!
That's great news about Socks That Rock! Maybe not hearing from Knitty yet is a good sign! I have to agree with most people, too, about the current Knitty. The only patterns that really caught my eye were Reid, Double Scoop, and Hedera.
I have finished a pair of brownie points socks! I will have pictures of them posted tomorrow (Sunday the 16th). These ones are my Sockapalooza socks (finally!). There is a picture on my blog now of the first unblocked sock.
Wow! How cool is that? Going to the Socks That Rock palace. :0) Wish I didn't live so far sure and take lots of pics. Love the tulips. And cuter than cute kiddos!
I have my April pair up on the blog and am working on at least two more for April...
Don't take rejections of your designs personally! Knitty gets *swamped* with submissions, and they can only publish so many in a single issue. You already know that they aren't the only game in town, and you've been doing well submitting elsewhere. Keep it up! I don't know when you sleep!
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